Wrapping up 2018 — in Lisbon

Martijn Baudoin
6 min readDec 28, 2018

I’ll just drop photo’s in this story. A couple of day’s ‘of grid’ help focus on what’s to come. And what’s to come is 2019, bring it on! With a little bit more text it would be a guide to a couple of days of lisbon but I’m not a travel blogger, drop me a line if you’r in need for details related to what you find below. (Email Me)

Day one, arriving early means a lot of walking the usual suspects.

Just Snap what I see. I only brought the (6 year old very small, and small sensor) Pentax Q7

Lisbon celebrates Christmas

Lissabon loves Christmas very very much ;-)

Day Two, Getting lost is much more valuable then following the travel guides.

The coffee corner of the AmazingStore
Comment if you wanna know where the shots are taken if you visit Lisbon

Day Three, my camera get’s out of the bag less and less. Daytrip to Cascais.

except the last shot these are all taken at Cascais.

Day Four, Tourist trap Sintra. Super lazy camera activity :-)

A complete village in Disneyland style, drawback: millions of tourists and waitinglines longer then an unwrapped roll of toiletpaper.

Besides a lost day in Sintra I shot a 36o photo (floow the link to see in interactive) on the rooftop of the Hotel I stay in. I am not carrying my professional gear to shoot so it’s not perfect but hey, Im on a holiday :-) Below, the ‘little planet’ projection of the same photo.

Day 5, more walking and the MAAT museum, wich I should have visited in a previous visit, but it’s never too late.

And a separate section fot MAAT

MAAT museum

Some of the cafe’s and restaurants that made it to the Maps.me listing, chesk it here online https://goo.gl/Bxon5i



Martijn Baudoin

Photography related projects. Totally irrelevant but apparently people want to know: working with: Ricoh, Canon, Panasonic, Fujifilm and DJI.